Saturday, May 26, 2012

the story behind the title...

no, that's not a typo, and yes, there's a reason for the weird spelling.
this past week(which i'll write about next) i went to camp mccall for adventure rec training. our group had to make up a list of goals to hold each other to as we went through the ropes course and did other challenges. we had like ten things, but we really wanted to make an acronym-type word out of them, so we kept narrowing them down until we had five things: Jesus-love(you had to be there), Trust, Support, Unity and Humility. someone pointed out that if only we didn't have the H, we could spell JUST. someone else suggested making the H silent, so we thought about where to fit it in, and eventually we all decided on JUHST(and it works because humility involves a lot of silence).
as you'll read when i get around to finishing my long draft about it, that week was ridiculously amazing and God showed me so much about this summer there, so i wanted the title to come from that. and while i was trying to think of ideas, i happened to have the song "just another day in paradise" in my head(another you-had-to-be-there moment). i thought about how this is just another summer, and then eventually i put everything together and bam. JUHST another summer. =]

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